Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Whatever It Takes

Some people will do anything to get what they want. And what they want is usually money. Yes, money motivates most of us in one way or another. I write novels for it, take on more obligations than I should...for it, and work until the computer screen pains my eyes...for it. But you know something? A dreaded hurricane or tornado zips along and wipes it all out in hours or minutes. What I'm getting at is this: money is good, and let's get all we can ...honestly and with integrity, but let us remember those who worked hard for it, had it all and then lost it all within hours, when the levees fell victim to the ravages of nature, when 175 mile an hour winds splintered homes and businesses. Let's clean out our closets for these people, but better and more importantly, let's take some of that precious money and send it to individuals we know who don't have shelter or to bona fide organizations helping these people.

If we don't have money to spare, let us roll up our sleeves and join the HABITAT FOR HUMANITY group nearest us, grab a hammer and some nails and build houses for the people who lost their homes. Do you know someone whose bookstore was destroyed? Send some unused books, if you're an author, to help them get back in business. We do whatever it takes for ourselves, so let us do WHATEVER IT TAKES to help heal the lives of those victimized by Katrina and Rita. And don't forget, there will still be victims years and years from now, for most are African Americans, and you know how things in this country work for us.

If each of us gives a little, they will recieve a lot, and we all will be richly blessed.

WHATEVER IT TAKES, Kensington Publishing Corp, August 1005


At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gwynne, this is so on point. The more voices that cry for those in need, the more help they can receive.

We live symbiotically with everything and everyone, and unbeknownst to us, what we do or don't do affects all of us.

Thanks for putting your hand and voice in the pot.

At 11:19 PM, Blogger Rose said...

So true about why we do things...for the almighty dollar. I believe that if you are blessed you show spread those blessings as I have done particularly with the Katrina Victims and other organizations that I donate to. Drop by and browsed through my past post. I wrote at least three to four blogs on this very topic. Enjoyed your post as I do your books...


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